Week 1 | Childlike Maturity
October 1 - 2 2022
Jesus absolutely loves kids! One day when his disciples were telling families to go away and not bother him, Jesus interrupted boldly to urge them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these!” (Mark 10:14) In a first century culture that often overlooked children as being unimportant or insignificant, Jesus lifted them up as the focal point of God’s perfect love and He welcomed them to come near! (Elsewhere Jesus would say “Whoever receives a child such s this for the sake of my name, receives me. And whoever receives me does not receive me but the One who sent me.” Ponder that in our context of family ministry opportunities! But Jesus goes on to say, “Unless you become like a little child…” We will explore what this kind of trust and dependence on God for everything looks like. Key distinction: the difference of “childish” and “childlike” faith.